Running of the Knights - Centipede Information

We are excited you have chosen to compete in the Centipede Race.  We have many award categories and can’t wait to see the costumes/themes that you have created.  All members of a winning team will be awarded a medal for the Centipede race.


  • 1. Each centipede team must consist of at least 5 runners to form a unit.
  • 2. There is no limit on the length of a team centipede (number of members).
  • 3. A centipede theme may be made of any material that an organization, school or club deems appropriate. Try to keep the “costume” light, flexible, safe and well-ventilated. Allow at least four feet between each individual for safety.
  • 4. Each centipede member must register individually.
  • 5. During the entire 5k competition, all team members of a centipede must stay connected as a unit.
  • 6. Each centipede team must provide their own material to stay connected (rope or other tether).
  • 7. All centipede members must start together at the start line, as well as cross the finish line while remaining connected as a unit.
  • 8. Each team is only eligible to win 1 category. You will be asked at check in to choose which categories you want to be judged on.


Themed Awards – If you want to be considered for any of the following categories, you must be signed in AND lined up for judging no later than 6:15 p.m. in order to ensure the judges have adequate time to judge all teams The judging will be based on only the members of your team that are present AND lined up at the time of judging. **To receive winner medals, someone from your team must be at the awards ceremony to collect the medals**

  • 1. Most School Spirit
  • 2. Best Sponsor or Organization Representation
  • 3. Best Costume Design Overall
  • 4. Best Athletic Sport Theme
  • 5. Best Performing Arts or Club Theme (Cheer, music, dance, etc.)
  • 6. Best Costume by Faculty team (The whole team must be made of faculty members.)


The Longest Centipede Team will be judged at 6:30 p.m. You will only get credit for the members that are lined up at that time. The Fastest Centipede Team will be judges at the end of the race. (Remember you must have complete the race together and stayed tied together the entire race.)



  • Most School Spirit: Teams will be judged on the percentage of the team that participated and how the team showed school spirit using school colors, mascots, trophies, etc.
  • Best Sponsor or Organization Representation: Teams will be judged on the percentage of the team that participated in the Sponsor or Organization theme and the overall effect of the theme.
  • Best Costume Design Overall: Teams will be rated on the percentage of the team that participated in the costume design and the overall effect of the costume design
  • Best Athletic Sport Theme: Teams will be judged on the percentage of the team that participated in the sports theme and the overall effect of the theme.
  • Best Performing Arts Theme (Cheer, music, dance, etc.): Teams will be judged on the percentage of the team that participated in the performing arts theme and the overall effect of the theme.
  • Best Costume by Faculty Team (The whole team must be made of faculty members.): Teams will be judged on the percentage of the team that participated in the theme and the overall effect of the theme.
  • Longest Centipede Team: This will be the team with the most team members. However, the size of the team will be decided by the amount of team members lined up to check in no later than 6:30 p.m.
  • Fastest Centipede Team: This will be the team that finishes the race first; however, the entire team must have completed the ENTIRE race tied together.

If you have any questions or need clarification on any of the rules, please contact Lisa Janes at (904) 864-0867.